Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, c. 1990

























Vanbrugh Park (Road), Blackheath. Victorian houses built 1867 - 1869 on the corner of Beaconsfield Road.

The second photo, sent to her great grandfather by his sister in December 1935, is a contribution from Mrs Timna Nelson of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The original is reproduced (front and back) below.

The back of the photo reads (without correction): "Dec 1st, 23 Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath S.E.3. My dear Sister and Brother, This photograph is the house which we have brought and we are taking guest which is paying very good. 2 1/2 guineas per head full board or 5 guineas for couples. There is a lovely dinning room and a beautiful lounge ever so big will see there is a basement lounge which brings us in about 5 1/2 guineas then next floor lounge, next floor bedrooms and bathroom next floor bedroom and bathroom 16 rooms in all so you see dear ones we have a lot of expense before we have profit. That is your sister Daisy outside the house and [corner missing] very good he is too. I hope [corner missing] will like it exouce writings in bed queer with chill. Love to all from Sister Bella."

See historic maps of Blackheath Park